About Us
Mastercard Strive MalaysiaFueling Entrepreneurial Success Through Digital Opportunities

This intiative is a collaborative effort between the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Asia Foundation, which aims to digitalize and support the growth of 100,000 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Malaysia, with a particular focus on women-owned and women-led businesses.
The program seeks to address various challenges faced by small businesses in the country and empower women entrepreneurs to thrive in the digital economy.

Digitalization is a key enabler of revenue growth and job creation for Malaysian MSMEs.
MSMEs in Malaysia are not able to take full advantage of all the public and private support resources because of the confusing, overlapping, and conflicting support environment.
Women-led MSMEs face even greater constraints due to expectations for care giving, lack of access to financing and technology, and less confidence with digital tools; meanwhile, they are a key driver of the economy.

Strive Malaysia aims to fill in gaps Malaysian women entrepreneurs experience in their digitalization journeys and provide tailored solutions, including access to the right tools, networks and resources to help them grow their businesses online
Strive Malaysia will work to unleash the resilience and growth of Malaysian small businesses, enabling women entrepreneurs to break through systemic barriers so they can benefit from the digital economy.
Subhashini Chandran
Vice President of Social Impact, Asia Pacific Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth
We are very happy to partner with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth to provide women entrepreneurs with a personalized digital upskilling strategy with tools, resources and mentors to encourage growth.
Robin Bush
Country Representative, The Asia Foundation, Malaysia